Have You Seen the Store Lately?

Posted by Megan Slatton on

     Here's what's fun. We're constantly changing things around, and here lately, we've heard a lot of, "Oh, that wasn't there before!" Right?

     Our new favorite? The bridal registry table. We're bringing a brand-new bridal registry system to the store, and it's going to be awesome. Think about this. What would it be like as a bride to walk around our store with a real live person to hand-select every last bit of the placeware, home goods, and the beautiful things to compliment the necessities? Um, awesome!

     And what if the bride can't come to the store? Then we bring the store to the bride (via online, of course)! Same personal shopping experience, but from wherever the bride happens to be sitting in the country. Again, um, awesome!

     It's almost ready. Consider this a sneak peek into what's coming, because we like to leak what's headed your way. Look for our bridal registry feature soon and get excited! But look, the table looks awesome! Wouldn't you want to sit here and peruse the best gift store inventory on earth? Yeah, us, too. Come pull up a chair, and let's do this! 

Photos compliments of Chris Parham (all products sold in store and/or online!)      


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